Lorecraft News

The definitive news source for all things Lorecraft

Is Conchism really dead

Rumors of a great return....

 · 2 min · Anonymous

Thank you for 1 year!

As the year comes to a close, here's a quick thank you!...

 · 1 min · Admins

A Hope for Peace

The dreams of an individual...

 · 2 min · Anonymous

Oculus Coup Documentary

The release of the Oculus Coup Documentary...

 · 1 min · ratat0ing

Enter: The Visionaries

A new age dawns for LoreCraft...

 · 2 min · Trailhopper27

Oculus Coup Documentary Trailer

The release of the Oculus Coup Documentary Trailer

 · 1 min · ratat0ing

It's Time for a new Organization

How we should all come together against the bloodthirsty communists...

 · 3 min · Trailhopper27

Commune is found to have forced labor and more

Undercover Player Inspects Commune. Finds Acts of Animal Cruelty and Forced Labor Camps....

 · 2 min · Anonymous

Give the Commune a Chance

MrWeish wants you to believe that the Commune is the bad guy. Hear us out....

 · 4 min · ratat0ing