We’ve been here twice before. The first time a server reset was suggested, it was shut down immediately. People wanted to preserve what they already had. There were long term projects in the works. People had built communities and events and friendships. We had created a whole world together, and a lot of people didn’t want to lose that.
The second time a reset came up, it passed SWAG, and we started a whole new world. This world. People missed the beginning stages of Minecraft. They missed building the community, and weren’t as satisfied by just growing it. They wanted us to be able to do it all over again and see what went differently this time.
I had been working on a massive project. This was the biggest thing I had ever attempted, and I was excited. I spent seven months digging out a massive hole in the deepslate for this build, and that was just step one. I finished digging two days before we reset the world, and I lost it all.
I had also been involved in the community on the last world. I got excited for different events, and I loved hearing about what everyone was working on. I spent a ton of time on the server just hanging out. I thought I could carry that over into the new world, or maybe find a new place in the community that was a bit quieter. Instead, I found myself spending less and less time there. I never finished what I lost, and some part of me still hasn’t been able to move on to the new things this world has to offer.
When I first joined Lorecraft, I think I assumed this was a world that would be around for a long time. I thought I would get to see it constantly grow, and that I could spend time working on big projects and the like. I got invested in what was going on, because I thought it was going to last. I’m not going to lie, I do want to go back to that world and all the things I left unfinished. But there is something more important here, regardless of how this vote goes.
I think the big question is not about resetting the server to an older version. I think the question should be about whether or not we allow resets in the future. If resets are going to happen, that’s great and fine. We should at least warn people when they join so they don’t get their hopes up like I did, only to lose it all when they get invested and have to start from scratch. People should know what they are signing up for. And if we choose not to allow resets in the future, then we need to pick a version of the world and stick with it.
No one server is going to be able to satisfy every single Minecraft player. Some people really enjoy the beginning stages of the game. They like working their way up to different achievements, building a few things, then starting over again when they run out of steam. Others like me enjoy the long game. They like picking one world and sticking with it, adding more and more every time they log on. Most people will probably fall somewhere in between or outside of that scale. Finding a place where you can get the gaming experience you’re looking for is important, which is why I think it is important we decide what kind of server this will be. Will we be staying in one world, or will we reset every so often when we feel it’s time? Whatever we decide, we should stick to it and find a way to let new players know before they find themselves in a server that might not suit their interests.